My Portfolio

Gif showing Collection Manager in action

MtG Alpha Set Collector

An interactive web app that lets users browse trading cards and add them to a virtual collection. Built with Express Server, Handlebars, Sequelize, Node.JS, and Bcrypt

Gif showing Trip Tunes in action

Trip Tunes

An interactive web app that lets users enter a car trip and an artist to generate a spotify playlist of the appropriate length featuring the selected artist. Built with Foundation, JQuery, Mapbox Geocoding, and Spotify API.

Gif showing Cinegraph in action


An interactive web app that allows users to visualize and compare movie data queried from an online database. Built with MERN stack, Json Web Token, Recharts, MUI, Apollo Server and GraphQL.

Gif of Note Taker in action

Note Taker

An app that lets you save, delete and edit notes.

Employee Tracker

A command line application that allows a user to update tables of employee data.

Day Planner

A planner app that lets the user plan events on a daily schedule and updates color based on current time of day.